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4 Tips to Getting Organized in 2022
We are currently flying through the first month of a brand-new year. This is the perfect time to get it together, stop procrastinating and get your...
Store All of Your Holiday Decor
Whether it is the blow-up Santa that your kids begged for or the wreaths you painstakingly hung on every window, not to mention all the strands and...
Get Party Ready in 2021 with Garage Store
If you are planning a blow-out with your family and friends this year and are hoping to host some big celebrations, we can help get you prepped and ready to party.
4 Reasons DIY Concrete Coating is Not a Good Idea
There are so many products that claim how easy and cost-effective coating the floor in your garage yourself can be, but don’t be fooled. ...
4 Things to Consider with a Garage Makeover
According to US News & World Report, a garage renovation can add value to your home, if you do it right. Here are 4 things to consider before...
3 Reasons to Choose GearTrack® Channels for Garage Storage
The garage appearance and function matters. It’s the first thing you see when you get home and studies have shown that getting rid of clutter and...
Transform the Basement & Create More Livable Space
Expanding usable space in your home by updating or upgrading the basement is a great way to add room to your home.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Garage Storage
Garages make a great area to extend storage space, but there are some things that may not be smart to store in the garage. Here are a few guidelines about what to put in the garage and what to put in another area in your home.
Transform Your Garage into More Usable Space
According to a Wall Street Journal Survey, 89% of homeowners would like to improve their garage. If you are one of the 89% and don’t know where to start or what to do to make your garage space more usable, follow these tips.
5 Reasons to Install Overhead Shelving in the Garage
Consider an overhead shelf in the garage, this is a fantastic way to get everything organized and out of the way.
5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Space
Even if your home has limited space and a lot of stuff, you can still make it look roomy and fit all your things. They key is to choose the...
Installing Storage in the Garage
Your garage is one of the hardest working spaces in your home. Whether it is storing all your stuff, housing the major yard appliances, the...
Before & After
Garage Overhead Storage Rack
Starting at $279.00
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East Dundee, IL. 60118
(847) 428- 8862
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