Garage Ceiling Storage






Vehicle Lifts

Garage Ceiling Storage

Is it time for your garage to get a makeover? If you’re like the millions of other people in the world whose garage is the “catch all” of the house, then you’ve come to the right place. Garage Store offers the most affordable and versatile SafeRacks and MonsterRax garage ceiling storage solutions than anyone else on the market.

We take pride in building and installing strong, quality stationary and adjustable garage hanging storage units that fit every customer’s needs. We sell and install, MonsterRax and SafeRacks which are top of line the products that are built with heavy duty materials, can hold up to 600 pounds, are backed with a lifetime warranty and are installed by our professional and certified team.

Garage Store offers garage ceiling storage in both stationary and adjustable racks. Our ceiling storage racks are professionally installed by our team of experts and will have your “catch all” garage de-cluttered in no time. Garage ceiling storage will also allow you to keep items out of the reach of young children or store away seasonal items.

Garage Store is an installer and distributor of SafeRacks and MonsterRax ceiling and hanging storage racks. SafeRacks and MonsterRax are customizable and come in a variety of sizes based on your needs. Adjustable and stationary garage ceiling storage has never been easier than with Garage Store.

Before & After

Garage Overhead Storage Rack

Starting at $279.00

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