UL Certification






Vehicle Lifts

Garage Store UL Certification

Why is UL Certification Important to Garage Owners?
Since its formation in 1894, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has earned the reputation as the leader in product safety testing and certification. The UL symbol has become one of the most recognized conformity assessment marks in the world. A product certified by a third party is important to consumers and manufacturers. As an independent third-party certifier, UL has no financial interest in the product’s profitability. Its not-for-profit, independent status allows UL to give an unbiased evaluation of products. This ensures that product safety standards are met, and that reasonably foreseeable risks associated with the product’s usage are eliminated or mitigated. If a product carries the UL Mark, it means UL found representative samples of this product met the safety requirements of UL.

How do Gladiator and UL work together?
Electrical products and garage building materials from Gladiator are Certified by UL. As the industry leader in garage solutions, Gladiator recognizes the importance of designing products that not only work in the garage, but also meet nationally recognized standards for safety. When a Gladiator product is developed, it is designed to meet all applicable Building Codes and UL Standards. Gladiator Engineers and Designers work closely with UL Engineers to ensure that appropriate product safety requirements are identified and met. When you purchase a Gladiator product, you can rest assured that an unbiased third-party certifier has fully evaluated a representative sample of that product and that it has met nationally recognized safety standards.

Why should I buy Gladiator Products that are UL Listed or Classified?
All products developed by Gladiator meet applicable Building Code and Safety Standards, including all requirements associated with UL Listing and/or Classification. The UL Mark gives you instant peace of mind that this Gladiator product meets the safety requirements of UL. Some residential insurance policies include stipulations limiting liability in the event that a claim is made in response to the failure of a noncertified product. By incorporating Gladiator products within your garage (which is covered under your home insurance policy), you will know that insurance policy requirements related to the usage of UL Certified products are met.

What are some examples of Gladiator Products that have been evaluated by UL?
All Gladiator electrical appliances are evaluated by UL for compliance with appropriate Standards and are UL Listed as follows:

All Gladiator Refrigerators and Freezers, including the Freezerator Convertible Refrigerator/Freezer and Chillerator Garage Refrigerator, are UL Listed in accordance with UL 250 (Standard for Household Refrigerators and Freezers). The Gladiator Modular Garage Trash Compactor is UL Listed in accordance with UL 1086 (Standard for Household Trash Compactors). The Gladiator Powerstrip is UL Listed in accordance with UL 962A (Standard for Furniture Power Distribution Unit).

The following non-electrical Gladiator products are evaluated by UL for compliance with appropriate Standards and are UL Classified as follows:

GearWall Panels and GearTrack Channels conform with nationally recognized building codes. GearWall Panels and GearTrack Channels are the only UL Classified extruded slot wall products for residential use. They are UL Classified with a Flame Spread Index (FSI) of 25 or less and a Smoke Developed Index (SDI) of 350 or less and are rated as Class A materials, as required by fire and building codes per the International Building Code. This is the national building code rating that a product must have to be used as an interior wall covering for commercial and residential buildings. Gladiator Floor Coverings contain a flame-retardant additive and are UL Classified in accordance with ASTM E-648-03 (Standard Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Source).

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