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What’s Your Garage Passion?
Over this long and extremely cold winter, most of us couldn’t wait to get indoors. The ice and slush from our cars muddied our garage floors, and...
Winter Has Taken Its Toll; Garage Store Can Help
It’s been a hard winter. Okay, that’s an understatement. For those of us in the Midwest, this last winter has seemed interminable. And having snow...
How to Build on Your Professionally Organized Space
Garage Store excels at garage and basement makeovers, including installation of floor coatings and storage solutions. However, did you know...
Visit the 2014 Auto Show in Chicago and Win a Garage Makeover
The Auto Show at McCormick Place is the place to dream about what car (or SUV or truck) you would like to see in your garage. But what does...
Add More Space for the Holidays
The Holidays are a time for families and friends to gather. Is your home one of the gathering places? Or is it too cluttered and cramped for all...
Christmas is Coming – Where Did I Put Those Decorations?
Has it been a whole year already? You know you put those Christmas boxes somewhere, but the year was hectic and the clutter in your garage has...
Two Satisfied Customers in Park Ridge – How can we improve your garage?
Park ridge slides “My wife and I were looking to do some work with our garage, when we found out that our neighbors across the street were using...
Garage Store installs Floor System at United Food Group, Elgin
Garage store installs floor for United Food Group, Elgin, IL from Sandy Ketcham When United Food Group, Inc., located in Elgin, Illinois needed to...
Curb Appeal: What does your front porch say about you?
As a good neighbor, you take pride in your home, and want your property to be as well-groomed as the rest of the neighborhood. You have landscaped...
Epoxy flooring systems transform unfinished basements
As the weather gets hotter and the tornado horns blast, wouldn’t it be nice to have a basement retreat that is clean, uncluttered and inviting?...
Concrete Flooring Systems Add Beauty and Function to Chicagoland Homes
Are you embarrassed to have a barbeque with family and friends on your cracked or stained concrete patio? Is your basement dank and dusty? ...
Overhead Garage Storage … for Mom
Forget the flowers, just give me space… By May, most of us mothers are having a hard time getting our cars into the garage, let alone getting out of...
Before & After
Garage Overhead Storage Rack
Starting at $279.00
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1082 Rock Rd. Lane
East Dundee, IL. 60118
(847) 428- 8862
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