• 23% of people can’t fit their car in the garage.
  • 25% of people are embarrassed by the inside of their garage.
  • 74% of people wish their garage was better organized.
  • 34% of people don’t know what is in their garage.

The garage tends to turn into the dumping ground for everything that doesn’t have a place.  Toys, tools, holiday décor, boxes of mementos you just can’t part with all end up out in the garage.

It’s time to reclaim the garage this summer and get the toys and tools organized, creating proper storage for the boxes of “stuff” and make room for your car while being able to find your things and not trip over the junk.

Here are 6 steps to get started:

1.    Craft a Plan

Decide what the primary function of your garage is and go from there. Will you use your garage for hobbies, main storage, an additional “party room,” or do you just want to get your car into its home? This will help you understand what you need to keep, what you need to toss, and how easily certain items need to be accessed.

2.    Declutter

Create 3 piles outside your garage and start pulling out the items and sorting it into piles – Keep, Donate/Sell, Toss. Figure out which items you no longer need and plan to have a garage sale or call a local donation center to come and pick it up. Toss the items that are damaged or no longer useful.  Keep the items you need and use.

3.    Create Zones

Once you have decided what you are keeping review the items and divide up the garage into zones. Keeping like items in the same area helps keep you organized, these zones can be defined as:

  • Sports/Recreational Equipment
  • Lawn/Garden
  • Holiday Décor
  • Storage/Mementos
  • Work Area

4.    Clean it Up

While your garage is emptied of its contents this is a good time to get the surfaces cleaned. Sweep out the dust and debris, maybe wash the floor.  Throw up a new coat of pain on the walls. Freshen up the other surfaces and replace lightbulbs. Throw open the door and open any windows (if there are any) and air the whole joint out.

5.    Call Garage Store

Give Garage Store a call and get a free quote and help from a professional in deciding the type of storage system that will work best for your needs.



A great way to get items out of sight, but still easily accessed.


Overhead Storage

Perfect to store the holiday décor and other mementos you need up and out of the way.


Wall System

Hooks, baskets, shelves are great to get equipment and other items up off the floor and easily accessed, also works well for things that won’t fit into cabinets.

Most storage systems are easy to customize and can be added to in order to create more storage in the future.

6.    Stay Organized

Once you get it all pulled together keep it tidy and organized by doing quick clean ups and put things away that maybe didn’t find their way back to their storage area.  After each season do a quick clean and make sure it all stays the way you want it.

You worked hard to get it organized, keep it that way and ENJOY!

Statistics from Gladiator® GarageWorks by Whirlpool

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