Your garage is one of the hardest working spaces in your home.  Whether it is storing all your stuff, housing the major yard appliances, the spot you woodwork, or parking the car the garage has an important job.

  • A 2-car garage in an average sized house is approximately 13-15% of the home’s overall square footage.
  • 80% of home buyers factor in the garage when making a purchasing decision.
  • 55% of Americans spend 1-2 hours in the garage doing hobbies or other activities.

According to a Wall Street Journal survey, “removing the junk” was ranked as the top answer when asked how people could enjoy their garage more.  50% of homeowners plan to reorganize their garage in the next 2 years, according to another survey.

If you are one of the 50% of homeowners planning to get organized, now is the time.

Do-It-Yourself or Hire a Professional

DIY is a popular option, and there are a lot of tools and tips for doing it yourself.  However, if you could do it yourself easily, you would have done it by now.

Additionally, there are many factors to consider when getting the garage organized and there are a lot of different storage options.  Working with a professional can help you figure out which storage option will work best for your specific needs.  Professionals can also determine how to make the best use of the e limited space a garage has and fit in everything you need.

Once you and the professional have determined the best use of space and storage types it’s time to have it professionally installed.

Prep for Install

Empty your garage of all contents.  Sort things into piles:  things to throw away, things to donate, and then sort by category (lawn care, sports, summer, winter, etc.)

The garage is now a blank slate to have new lighting, flooring, drywall, etc. installed.  Once the “canvas” is prepped it’s time to install the storage and organization options.

Then it’s time to put everything into its place and pull in the car!

Learn More

For more information on our storage options please look at our catalog, detailing several different storage types.

Then call us for your FREE ESTIMATE and get that garage organized once and for all.

(Statistic Sources:  Wall Street Journal, Impulse Research Survey)

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