Another new year has started, another fresh slate for your goals.  If your goal is to get organized this year (again) it may be time to take a different approach.

If you have been planning on organizing your home for years and still have not quite gotten this task crossed off your list, it is time to try a new way of thinking.

According to Kelly McMenamin, the author of “Organize Your Way:  Simple Strategies for Every Personality” people tend to have different approaches to organizing, thus she has implemented a new way of organizing called Pixie.

Pixie caters to each person’s approach.  Organizing and staying organized is based on your style and natural tendencies.  There are 4 Pixie “types”:  Classic, Fun, Organic and Smart.  While you may recognize your own personality in the descriptions below, you can also take a Quiz to find out your organization type.

Classic Organization Personality

The Classic organizer is the preserver, the guardian, and the protector.  Classic organizers make up 46% of the American population (nearly half!)  Organizers are also responsible for the American stereotypes of tradition, hard work and loyalty.

The easiest thing for Classic organizers is cleaning and decluttering, however the hardest is design.

Getting your home decluttered is easy, hiring a professional to help you design a layout that provides structure and storage for your items is crucial to accomplishing the goal of an organized home in 2021.

Fun Organization Personality

The Fun organizer is the craftsman, the creator, and the artisan.  Fun organizers typically do not classify themselves as any one type or do not believe in classifying themselves as a type at all.

Fun organizers are great at living in the moment, but are grounded in reality and the practical details, everything gets done.  Funs make up around 27% of the American population.

Funs use both logic and subjective criteria to get organized.  Using a professional to help get you on track and create a layout that works without being too restrictive will help you Funs get organized in 2021.

Smart Organization Personality

The Smart Organizer is the mastermind, the intellectual and rational.  Smart organizers make up just 10% of the American population.

Smart organizers are the ones who are usually running things, they are smart, clever, and inventive and also the architects of change in the world.  Most CEOs, presidents and people in charge are Smarts.  Smarts prefer structure and planning.

Smarts may be best served by using a professional to get organized this year.

Organic Organization Personality

The Organic Organizer is the dreamer, the idealist, and the visionary.  Organic organizers like to let things just fall into place naturally.  Organic organizers make up 16% of the American population.

Organics like living in a structured and scheduled way, but it’s cool if it is not part of the routine, you are not married to the schedule.  While the house may be tidy, it is not perfect.  Those piles of “stuff” around the house are planned piles, organized chaos.

Help getting those piles into organized structure instead of organized chaos with the help of a professional may work best to get your home organized in 2021.

Call Garage Store’s Professionals

We are a locally owned and operated business of qualified professionals devoted to achieving your organizational needs—not only for your garage, but any space in your home or business.

We are as creative as your imagination and needs desire. We are excited to partner with you and incorporate our creativity and expertise to turn any space into a custom space created just for you—for years of enjoyment.

Contact us for a Free Estimate.

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